And so it begins...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hallmark Presents...

Okay I'll admit it. I absolutely L-O-V-E Hallmark Christmas movies. The made-for tv kind starring some B-list actor. Like Jennifer Grey or Anne Heche. They're on all the time right now, it's just marvellous. I can barely get any work done...the house is falling apart around my ears. But I simply can't resist. They're glorious. Always set in a little town that looks like...well, looks like a Hallmark card. O.M.G. I just made the connection. Maybe Hallmark is selling a way of life.

And it's a life I am fully willing to buy.

I'm ready to sign up for the picturesque little town by the sea/forest/mountains wherever. I'd happily start wearing more fitted plaid tops and faded jeans because that seems to be the universal uniform regardless of decade or locale. My hair is pretty much Hallmark ready. Just long and fairly healthy, though I could use a dose of naturally tossed waves or decent golden red highlights. I would even be willing to start wearing it half up and away from my face like they prefer if that's what it takes.

Hallmark people are like the easier, more PG-version of Harlequin. The guys aren't bossing the girls around or ripping their clothes off and the girls generally don't have to bail their crazy brother-in-law out of jail or anything like that. They lead simpler lives with a few mild little misunderstandings thrown in to spice things up. Like that movie I watched the other night, I think it was called 'His And Her Christmas.' God, I loved that movie. It was all about these two columnists -she a small town sweetie with a big heart and he a big city cynic with big shoulders - who duel it out in their weekly columns. They meet, he falls for her naturally curly hair and well-tailored slacks. She melts his heart so he saves her newspaper from being shut down. They get their crazy families together for Christmas. I cry like a baby and secretly hope he moves in to her messy Victorian house after the cameras stop rolling. His life in the city is too tidy for her.

I'm willing to buy into the Hallmark life even though I'm not leading lady material. I fully realize I will play the role of plain Jane best friend. The character who is married to the owner of the Hardware store raising two kids who say the darndest things. Her best possible story line is when her husband - a frumpy, middle-aged bore - agrees to take her linedancing when she threatens to leave him. See? That's how devoted I am. I'm even willing to be that girl.

I'd do a good job too. When the leading lady needs cookies, I'll bake 'em. When she needs someone to watch her dog so she can take a romantic walk through the woods with her gorgeous man, I'll do it.

And when they get married at the end of the show, snow falling ever so lightly outside, I'll wear an ugly lavender dress that does nothing for my shape and smile and hold her flowers. Then my frumpy husband and I will show them a thing or two on the dance floor. We'll all laugh and laugh. Then fade to black. 'White Christmas' playing as the credits roll.

Sign me up Hallmark.

1 comment:

  1. My 16 year old son has his first girlfriend, so I know what you're going through. I, too have been dumped.

    I've learned to pick up info from chance remarks, and not ask too many questions. I am dutifully waiting to be available for them he wants to chat ... hopefully he's not too much like his dad, and that would be "never".

    I remember teenage love was wonderful & awful. Guess parent-of-teenage love is the same.

    Good luck!
