And so it begins...

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Gleeks Unite!!!

My new favourite show is ‘Glee’. I just discovered it a few months ago It’s tacky. It’s campy. It’s a little weird. It’s glorious. They do cover versions of these great songs like ‘Someboy To Love’ by Queen and ‘My Life Would Suck Without You’ by Kelly Clarkson. Every character on the show is a misfit or an outcast or just plain irritating. I can’t even express the depth of my love for this’s endless. As is my love for Will Shuster, the Glee Coach.
Here’s my problem with the show right now, though. It’s not back until April. April!! What the hell am I supposed to do with myself every Wednesday night at 9 between now and then? Why do shows do this? They suck you in for a few months, lead you on with all of these great story lines and romantic problems and such and then disappear for months. What if something happens between now and then? What if the world ends or their show gets cancelled or one of the main characters quits? How will I ever know if Finn and Rachel end up together? If Will and Emma can make it work? If Kurt ever finds just one other gay kid at his school? If the Glee Club will win at Nationals? It’s torture.
To combat a Glee-less life filled with boredom and depression, I’ve come up with a few story line ideas for the show. Producers if you’re reading this (and I can only assume that you are) take heed. And pay up if you use any of my ideas.
1. Finn and Rachel. So now Quinn is obviously out of the picture. Finn knows the baby isn’t his and the road is clear for Quinn and Puck to get together and play house if they want. (Question – do we care if they get together? Apart from that scene where Puck plays the guitar and Quinn sings ‘Papa Don’t Preach’, these two really can’t hold onto my interest. I liked Puck better when he was singing ‘Sweet Caroline’ to Rachel.) Rachel can finally have her shot at Finn if she wants. But...the story would be over then. They would be a happy couple – yawn. We need to draw this out a bit. I think Glee should introduce a new character, a gorgeous guy with pipes who instantly falls for Rachel and appreciates her exactly the way she is. Let’s give Finn a run for his money.
2. Will and Emma. Will has left his wife, who doesn’t have to pretend to be pregnant anymore to hold onto her man. Emma left Ken which means she won’t have to have sex with him, thank God for that. He of the shorty-shorts and inexplicable gene pool. They can be together. Again...I don’t want that to happen yet. Too soon. So maybe Will and his soon-to-be-ex-wife find out she really is pregnant? They might get back together – but not after Will and Emma get busy first. Let’s give a girl a break here.
3. Kurt needs a fella. I think one of the football players – someone really beefy and masculine. Someone who has yet to be outted...
4. Artie – I need to know more about Artie. I LOVE Artie. His version of ‘Dancing With Myself’ was brilliant – I think he has one of the best voices on the show. I don’t really know what they should do with him, just do something.
5. Sue needs to exact some revenge on Will – preferably when he’s topless. Or wearing a wet white t-shirt. We need to see Will in a wet white t-shirt sometime soon. I want Sue to come back to her full glory after her debacle at regionals – because I need to know how Sue C’s it.

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