And so it begins...

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Take Your Kid To Work Day

Yesterday was take your kid to work day here in Owen Sound. I figure my kids get off pretty easy for this one...after all, what do I really do? Not much.

Ben was my helper yesterday. Here's a rundown of what we actually did
- Went to the Rocking Horse to pick up our toy of the month for November.
- Went to the Downtown Bookstore to pick out a book for November (it's for teenaged boys and it's about zombies! Stay tuned...)
- Drank coffee at the Bean Cellar while trying to get some writing done on my laptop (me)
- Ate a brownie at the Bean Cellar while playing guitar (Ben)
- Groceries and pizza for lunch.

A pretty easy gig, eh? So let's here what Ben has to say about it (Editor's note : Despite my reservations I've decided not to edit a word of Ben's blog...just so you know)

Ben- Today I looked forward to one thing and one thing only - sleeping in. I couldn't wait to wake up feeling completely refreshed for once. To actually wake up and not still be tired is a personal goal of mine. But unfortunately my Mom had other plans. She knocked on my door at eight o'clock, breaking my deep slumber and bringing me back to reality.
The reality is today is take your kid to work day. A day loved by children across the country. All they have to do is go to their parents' work for an hour or two. Maybe spend the rest of the day sleeping. Me?
I got to spend the entire day gallivanting around town helping my mother. Enthralling, isn't it? Well, to be completely honest, it wasn't all bad. I got a brownie out of it. And any day that includes a delicious brownie from the Bean Cellar is a good day in my books. Plus, I got pizza. And I'm reading a pretty decent book to review for this very site. Zombies...awesome.
I aslo got the extreme privilege of writing this blog. Although I would love to go into a fifty page long pros and cons list of my day, I'm running out of room.

That brownie was pretty good though. So not a bad day.


  1. Awesome Ben! Sarah had to go to her dad's work and spend the entire day

  2. Lol - a future blogger I do believe!! Any day that includes a brownie is a good one!!

  3. Good job, only missed one thing...that you had the pizza at LAURA's house!!!
