And so it begins...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I’m a big fan of checking out mom blogs, particularly fancy-pants mom blogs as I obviously dream of some day becoming a fancy pants. And I notice that the longer you have a successful blog, the more entries you have that start with things like “Sorry it’s been so long since my last blog” or “Just back from Spain – thanks (place sponsor name here)!” That sort of thing. Which means that if I play my cards right and work really hard and toil as best I can, someday I will be able to write to you all about how I am too busy.

That day has come, though without the fame and wealth unfortunately. I’m sure some of you have noticed that I haven’t been updating my blog as frequently as I should. In fact, I’ve even recycled a column here and there to supplement my meagre entries. Is it because I’ve gotten too big for my britches? After all, I am a whopping seven weeks into the blog...I guess it is time I take a rest, right? I mean who the heck do I think I am?

Here it is - we’re moving this weekend. I am right now sitting in my office surrounded by desk drawers and boxes and a load of junk to take to the dump. My car is out of commission for mysterious-yet-frustrating reasons. And I can barely look around my little house, my adorable little teeny tiny house without bursting into tears. Because I know this place is way too small for us. I know we’ve worn out our welcome.’s pretty! It’s a girl house! And I’m a girl!

We’ve lived here for almost five years – which for me, a natural nomad who doesn’t like to stay in place for too long, is considerable. I started and finished the first draft of my book here. I’ve hosted Thanksgivings and Christmas and the odd girl’s night here...though not in ages. This place is pretty freaking small. And two of my sons are six feet tall, which means they take up half the space.

This new place is going to be great. We will have two – TWO! – bathrooms with actual showers. I have a separate living room for reading and such that I will probably never use but will decorate with pretty pillows just the same.

And I will get more writing done. I promise. On the off chance that there is a single reader out there who is waiting to hear what I will say next...just give me a week. Next week, I’ll do better (why does that sound so familiar?)


  1. Next week it is!! Happy moving - hope it all goes well - does it ever?? lol

  2. Leave the boxes un-opened for ages in the new house - as long as you can and then when you open them it's all "oh, I forgot I had this" ... like your birthday almost.
